• Current and near future work
• Details about serving with us
• Roles that meet Linguæ Christi’s strategic needs
• How to get in touch with us to learn more
Linguæ Christi’s work is expanding from our base of operation in Wales into different parts of Europe. This isn’t a 100-metre dash—it’s the first stage of a marathon. We’re reaching out to believers from different places and people groups in Europe to explore what it looks like to work together to advance the Gospel among the indigenous minority language groups here.
Sometimes our work means bringing people from the same people group into a room together to share the vision God has given us and to pray together about what He’s doing in their context. In others it’s coming alongside new and established churches to support their work. In many more people groups we’re still searching for how God is at work.
Current and near future
We’re currently focussed on building teams among four specific people groups, but we still have feelers in many more and we’re open to God showing us opportunities for others. That’s how we got here in the first place!
Where is God calling you? Get in touch.
Cymry Cymraeg

Welsh speakers in Wales
Welsh is one of the seven Celtic languages and communities of speakers exist in Wales, England and Argentina. Linguæ Christi began in Wales and Caernarfon remains the hub for our work and activities.

Basque speakers in Spain & France
Basque is a language isolate and its provenance is unknown. Linguæ Christi has partners and personnel who have recently planted a Basque-medium Evangelical church in a village in Gipuzkoa.
Na Gàidheil

Scottish Gaelic speakers in Scotland
Scottish Gaelic is one of the seven Celtic languages and is spoken in Scotland. Historically Linguæ Christi has had limited work among Scottish Gaelic speakers, and we’d like to send a new, long-term team to reconnect with local partners.

Catalan speakers in Spain, France & Italy
Catalan is an Ibero-Romance language spoken by over 10 million people. Despite so many speakers, few Evangelical churches exist. We’d like to partner with local Catalan faith communities to expand on the work that’s already taking place there.
Lengths of service and specific roles

Explorer projects are for people who want to join our team for a period longer than a few months but shorter than three years (limited to two years in the UK). At the end of this project, it is our hope that participants would consider continuing their role in a long-term capacity. We also welcome applicants who feel ready to take that step now, though we recommend they come visit us to see and experience the contexts we work in firsthand.
Heart Language
Linguæ Christi is dedicated to missions in the heart language of our people groups. There are theological, social and practical considerations for why this is important to our work. Even beginners can see the effect on first language speakers when they’re greeted in their heart language. Each of our Explorer projects and long-term service placements includes language study.
Six-Fold Incarnational Approach
Many people find the prospect of missions intimidating or vague. We employ a strategy that gives more definition to how we bring the Gospel to people and we divide it into six parts: prayer, hospitality, hanging out, mutual interests, service and a verbal witness. We bring Jesus alive to others through these actions.
Working Together
Although much of our work is pioneering in nature, our approach to missions is based on working together, both as teams of cross-cultural workers and as an organisation dedicated to supporting and strengthening the work of indigenous believers and established churches. In addition, we also work with other missions agencies where our vision and mission align.
Strategic needs within Linguæ Christi
The following roles are strategic to the growth of Linguæ Christi’s work. While Explorer project participants are encouraged to consider what skills and talents they can offer in addition to Gospel work, none of the following are required for Explorer project candidates.
Get in touch with us today
The road to mid-term or long-term service in missions can be a long one. There are lots of big questions—can I learn the language, can I raise the funds, what if I’m not a good speaker—we’ve heard (and asked!) many of them. In our experience, it’s better to start that conversation now.
Regardless of how confident or sure you feel, we’d love to hear from you and what God is putting on your heart. God has a calling for everyone, and we realise that not everyone is called to our particular focus. But we’d love to pray with you and listen to what God is saying to you.