For many years, I have the habit of calling my 90-year-old mother in Tennessee every Sunday. It’s always a good time to catch up. However, during the Pandemic, when each week is strikingly similar to the one before it, we have often come to a point of silence, where we both say, “well, that’s all I’ve got as news, as it’s pretty much what I shared last week.” Writing for our blog in this Pandemic has been a challenge in terms of finding a lot new to say. Because everything is a bit harder and takes more time, much of our activity is continuing to work on things, until we bring them to a successful (hopefully) conclusion. So, as we approach the end of 2020, we are happy that we have seen the conclusion of some of the projects we’ve been working on over these months, and ongoing progress with others. The following are a few points for this month’s update.
(more…)Upon them a light has shined
Just last month, I was commenting on how quickly this year is coming to a close. It feels like I blinked my eyes, and all of a sudden we are now in December, well and truly approaching the end of 2020. I’m sure that 2021 will be upon us in a flash at this rate.
(more…)Seasons of Waiting
I remember sitting in pre-field training over a year ago as we talked about all of the different elements involved as you make your transition from your home country to your new host country. Of course, at the time I had no idea that one of the largest factors of that transition would be left out completely, but not even a global pandemic could stop my moving to Wales. The past month has been nothing like I expected it to be. Isn’t that just like God though? Always doing the unexpected.
(more…)Pray for travel & transitions. And give thanks!
Today one of our team members is travelling to join us long-term here in Wales. We’re excited to welcome her, it’s a plan years in the making that’s now coming to fruition. Our feelings include excitement, thankfulness and expectancy. But it’s a hard road during the best of circumstances, and the pandemic still grips most of Europe