Director’s Update — May 2021

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! – Христос воскресе! – Hristos a înviat! – Christ is Risen!!!

Greetings once again! As I mentioned to you last month, we’re continuing in the spirit of Resurrection, joining in the paschal greeting with our Christian brothers and sisters, using the Eastern Christian Calendar (Easter is on 2 May for them). But in truth, we probably should be celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus every day, shouldn’t we? I pray that the power of His resurrection is at work in you even now, as you read this newsletter. Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn more about what God is doing in and through us in the ministry of Linguæ Christi here in Europe.


Director’s Update — April 2021

Atgyfododd Crist!!! – Christ is Risen!!!

I hope that this month’s update finds you all well! For those of us using the calendar of the Western Christian tradition, we have enjoyed the wonderful celebration of the Lord Jesus’ glorious and triumphant resurrection this month. Our brothers and sisters of the Eastern Christian tradition get their turn to celebrate on 2 May. Accordingly, you might just receive the paschal greeting two months in a row.


Director’s Update — February 2021

I cannot believe we are already into the second month of this new year. January passed very quickly for me. I have a feeling that all of 2021 might pass quickly as well. Because January was a bit quiet in many ways and was used as a time of evaluation, prayer and planning for us, this is probably going to be a slightly shorter newsletter than usual. I will address some of the larger issues that have come up in our times of prayer and discussion during January as well as looking forward to February and the rest of the year.


Taste and See

A month ago I tested positive with Covid-19. One of the questions that I was often asked was, “Did you lose your sense of taste and/or smell?” Originally, the answer was no. However, with each day that passed my symptoms changed, and I did ultimately lose these senses. 


Our mission in the middle of the pandemic

Once again, as long as COVID-19 continues to affect us, I will continue to update you all as to how our ministry is affected by the virus. This current lockdown is as serious and restrictive as the national lockdown last Spring. Something that is sometimes hard to understand and can be confusing is the fact that each of the nations of the UK (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England) has their own rules and timelines regarding restrictions in their areas.
