Two open positions for Linguæ Christi’s team

Here are a couple of opportunities that I’d like to share once again as an appeal to you for your prayerful consideration. They include our search for a Social Media Coordinator to join our team as well as a Summer Projects Coordinator for Summer 2022. Some information below is new and some you will have probably seen before. We’ll keep asking and knocking at that door until God answers!


Creation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage that is probably familiar to most of us. This sentiment has never been more true than in the digital age. Images, design, print, and sound communicate deeply and are central to our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people. We welcome creatives to come and join us, to learn about the indigenous minority language groups of Europe and to listen to God’s voice of love for them. Together we’ll invite others to join Him and His mission to see the Good News take root in people’s lives.


Translation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

white and black quote board

Nelson Mandela famously said, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” This sentiment is at the centre of our attempts to communicate with and cast vision among Evangelical Christians around the world for the calling that God has given us for European indigenous minority languages speakers. This need to communicate these truths clearly and deeply is highly strategic for our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people.


Leadership: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

Leading teams of students and adults on short-term projects has been a part of Linguæ Christi’s story from the very beginning. Many of our programme alumni have appreciated the training and instruction we’ve provided over the years, especially when they in turn came to lead their own teams. We want to make the same good investments today in the Kingdom of Good so that people are well-equipped to lead others on mission.
