Pray for a home in Northwest Wales

I have a rather big and personal prayer request to share at this time. As many of your may know, last summer (2021) I lost the rental property in Talysarn, which had been my home since my return to Wales in 2017. It was simply a matter of the landlords’ wanting to sell the property (it is definitely a “sellers’ market” in Northwest Wales at the moment).


Become advocates for our summer projects

For the past several months, we’ve been presenting some financial needs as an appeal to you, the reader. As we come As we are looking forward to this summer, one of our greatest needs is the recruiting of students for our projects on-field. You will probably see a lot over the next few months about this, both in our newsletter and blog but also through social media.


Some people brought to him a man

We’ve been visiting back home with family over the past few months, but we’ll soon be returning to Wales. As preparation for our return, we went on retreat a few weeks ago. On our first day, we were given Mark 7 as a text on which to pray and meditate, with the instructions to pause where we felt God inviting us to stop and pray. Most of Mark 7 features a dispute some of the Jewish religious leaders brought against Jesus about cleansing rituals and His response about what truly corrupts our hearts. God stopped me further into the chapter where he heals two people from neighbouring nations.


The Grand Tour – John’s journey through the U.S. in 2022

In the December report, I mentioned that partnership development is an important aspect of our work. The “Tour” across America that I mentioned above is my way of personally being involved in that respect through networking (connecting and reconnecting) with existing and potential partners in ministry. As I mentioned in my personal report, this “Tour” has already started with my current trip to Florida.
