Director’s Update — June 2021

Greetings to all! I do hope that this month’s blog finds you all well. It has been a bit of an eventful time for us both here in Wales and other areas, where we have ministry and partnerships, and I say “eventful” in the good sense of the word. We rejoice in new opportunities that the Lord is giving to us to build relationships and make Him known, as we continue to move out of lockdown and have more freedom to get out and about and interact with others. By and large, the weather continues to cooperate, and it is truly beautiful now that flowers and vegetation are in full leaf and bloom.


Director’s Update — May 2021

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! – Христос воскресе! – Hristos a înviat! – Christ is Risen!!!

Greetings once again! As I mentioned to you last month, we’re continuing in the spirit of Resurrection, joining in the paschal greeting with our Christian brothers and sisters, using the Eastern Christian Calendar (Easter is on 2 May for them). But in truth, we probably should be celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus every day, shouldn’t we? I pray that the power of His resurrection is at work in you even now, as you read this newsletter. Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn more about what God is doing in and through us in the ministry of Linguæ Christi here in Europe.


Creation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage that is probably familiar to most of us. This sentiment has never been more true than in the digital age. Images, design, print, and sound communicate deeply and are central to our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people. We welcome creatives to come and join us, to learn about the indigenous minority language groups of Europe and to listen to God’s voice of love for them. Together we’ll invite others to join Him and His mission to see the Good News take root in people’s lives.


Translation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

white and black quote board

Nelson Mandela famously said, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” This sentiment is at the centre of our attempts to communicate with and cast vision among Evangelical Christians around the world for the calling that God has given us for European indigenous minority languages speakers. This need to communicate these truths clearly and deeply is highly strategic for our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people.
