Team news, summer plans and a thank you

Since my last comments about things going on with us as a Team, it would seem that we’ve all been having medical/physical ailments of one kind or another. I had COVID, then another Team-mate had COVID (just recently got out of isolation) and his family were also sick (non-COVID), and another team member just had some medical procedures, hopefully to deal with some serious health concerns over many months, and still others with illness in their families at some distance.


Director’s Update — April 2022

I open this month’s update a little differently than previous months. Since I last shared with you, I have been doing a great deal of travelling. Consequently, I once again say, “Greetings from Wales!” I am happy to have made the journey with pretty much no hiccups to speak of. The Lord was gracious to me in this regard. Everything worked as it was supposed to. I was met by a Welsh friend, who kindly gave me a lift from the ferry port in Holyhead to my home for the next few months, whilst I look for a more permanent home (see below). I am greatly blessed and grateful.


Director’s Update — March 2022

Greetings from Tennessee! I have made the long journey back to Tennessee from California. I will be here in this area until my return to Europe in early April. March is always a special month for me. First, it’s a very “Celtic” month, where we celebrate three Celtic saints: St. David in Wales (1st), St. Piran in Cornwall (5th), and St. Patrick in Ireland (17th).


We need a few good men

In my last update, I actually spent a good bit of time describing our personnel needs related to our student summer programmes, and I did so as an actual appeal. I shared a few specifics in that previous update, but it remained rather general in nature. In this month, I’d like to mention three projects that we are really trying to fill with students this summer.
