I had a couple of very good and instructive opportunities during the month of September. First, we had a site team from Dawson Baptist Church in Alabama to visit with us. We’re planning for them to bring a large youth choir (about 150 people, including adults) to North Wales in summer 2023. It’s a huge project, but we’re very excited about it.
(more…)Join us in October for a vision trip with Linguæ Christi
If you have been reading our blog and praying for us on a regular basis, you might also be wondering what it would look like for your Church, Sunday School Class, Small Group, Campus Ministry, Missions Organisation, etc. to be more involved on-field with our ministry across Europe through specific projects and partnerships with Linguæ Christi. Or, perhaps, you, as an individual or family, have even been praying about joining us on-field long-term as missionaries yourselves.
(more…)Team news from Summer 2022
There are a number of things going on with the Team’s ministry, especially here in Wales at the moment. I will hit some of the high points.