Creation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage that is probably familiar to most of us. This sentiment has never been more true than in the digital age. Images, design, print, and sound communicate deeply and are central to our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people. We welcome creatives to come and join us, to learn about the indigenous minority language groups of Europe and to listen to God’s voice of love for them. Together we’ll invite others to join Him and His mission to see the Good News take root in people’s lives.


Translation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

white and black quote board

Nelson Mandela famously said, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” This sentiment is at the centre of our attempts to communicate with and cast vision among Evangelical Christians around the world for the calling that God has given us for European indigenous minority languages speakers. This need to communicate these truths clearly and deeply is highly strategic for our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people.


Leadership: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

Leading teams of students and adults on short-term projects has been a part of Linguæ Christi’s story from the very beginning. Many of our programme alumni have appreciated the training and instruction we’ve provided over the years, especially when they in turn came to lead their own teams. We want to make the same good investments today in the Kingdom of Good so that people are well-equipped to lead others on mission.


Business: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

Napoleon Bonaparte is rumoured to have said, “an army marches on its belly.” He recognised that a great number of resources—both material and human, and often “behind-the-scenes”—were necessary for success. We at Linguæ Christi feel similarly about the work of mission that God has given to us. We recognise readily that it requires a lot of practicalities (resources, people, processes, systems) to enable a long-term missionary to sit in a cafe in Northern Italy, sharing the Gospel for the first time in fluent Ladin with his or her new friend. Whether we’re speaking of resources, like funds and materials; or people, who perform practical tasks and ministries; or processes and organisations—it all comes together as the means through which God leads and enables His calling and mission to all the people groups of the world.


Knowledge: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

photo of library with turned on lights

Solomon said, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Learning, information, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are essential elements in life, especially the life of a follower of Jesus. We at Linguæ Christi believe that these elements are also essential in helping us fulfil the missionary calling and mandate that God has given to us to take the Gospel to speakers of indigenous minority languages in Europe through the medium of their heart languages. Furthermore, in order to bring other believers from around the world along with us in the fulfilment of this vision, we must be able to articulate and share this knowledge with others in effective means, which both educate and motivate God’s people to action for the sake of His glory and the joy of these European people groups, who have been largely overlooked in terms of missionary engagement.


Linguæ Christi’s invitation to students

Following on from the “Big Announcement” in last month’s update, I want to continue to emphasise our special missions programme for this summer, or what we call our “Virtual Student Summer Missions Programme” (VSSMP) this year. Last month, I mentioned a lot of the background and consideration that took place as the lead up to this programme. In this month’s emphasis on the VSSMP, I’d like to share some more information, which might help you, as you read it, to know more about what kinds of people we’re looking for in order to fill these teams.
