Business: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

Napoleon Bonaparte is rumoured to have said, “an army marches on its belly.” He recognised that a great number of resources—both material and human, and often “behind-the-scenes”—were necessary for success. We at Linguæ Christi feel similarly about the work of mission that God has given to us. We recognise readily that it requires a lot of practicalities (resources, people, processes, systems) to enable a long-term missionary to sit in a cafe in Northern Italy, sharing the Gospel for the first time in fluent Ladin with his or her new friend. Whether we’re speaking of resources, like funds and materials; or people, who perform practical tasks and ministries; or processes and organisations—it all comes together as the means through which God leads and enables His calling and mission to all the people groups of the world.


Changes to Summer 2021 Projects

Come to Wales and bring the language and people alive for others.

As you know, we have been cautiously planning to move forward with having on-field summer projects for students this year here in Wales as well as in several other European countries. I am sure that you have seen several communications from us over these past few months in these newsletters and also in our monthly prayer calendars, regarding our plans for the summer. In spite of the latest lockdown measures and even up to just a couple of weeks or so ago, we were still planning to move forward, again cautiously, with our summer plans.


Summer 2021 Projects now available

Many of you know that for many years, we have had a programme during the summer months for believers during their university student years. We’ve had literally hundreds of people to come and serve with us through these types of projects over the years. Personally, it has been a joy and honour to work with so many incredible students over the years.


Join our Explorer programme

The Explorer projects are ideal for recent college/university/seminary graduates, who are at a transition point in their lives, and willing to give some time to missions, before the next stage in their careers or further studies. These are projects, which are for 7-24 months, though the majority of which are about 12 months in duration. The primary focus for all of these assignments is to be a part of a local team, where the “Explorer” would use his or her passion to make Jesus known to those who do not yet know Him personally.
