Many of you know that for many years, we have had a programme during the summer months for believers during their university student years. We’ve had literally hundreds of people to come and serve with us through these types of projects over the years. Personally, it has been a joy and honour to work with so many incredible students over the years.
Back in March with the beginning of lockdown here in the UK, we entered into a time of prayer and discernment with our ministry partners about what to do with our student projects this year, given the global pandemic. After much deliberation, we all came to the painful conclusion that we should cancel our projects for Summer 2020. This was the first time in our over twenty-year history that we have cancelled an entire summer programme.

There are a number of uncertainties about the future for everyone, and we’re all trying to figure out how and sometimes if we can do long-range planning. With that said and realising that we might have to make adjustments closer to time, we are proceeding with a full programme for Summer 2021 with opportunities for college/university/seminary students and recent graduates. These opportunities are in a number of areas and language groups across Europe, and not just in Wales or the Celtic nations.
So, if you are a student or recent graduate, know someone in that category, or ministry to and among students, please, be on the look-out for these opportunities, and please share them with others.
Interested in hearing from others who have served?

Check out our Instagram stories to hear from alumni
Over the next few days and weeks we’ll be hearing from past participants in Linguæ Christi’s summer programme. Check out each day’s testimonial in our Instagram stories.