Team news, summer plans and a thank you

Since my last comments about things going on with us as a Team, it would seem that we’ve all been having medical/physical ailments of one kind or another. I had COVID, then another Team-mate had COVID (just recently got out of isolation) and his family were also sick (non-COVID), and another team member just had some medical procedures, hopefully to deal with some serious health concerns over many months, and still others with illness in their families at some distance.


Sprachspielen: Action

The following article reflects the personal opinion of John Robinson and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Trustees, Staff/Personnel and Ministry Partners of Linguæ Christi.

As I began my February edition of Sprachspielen, I did so with the intention of writing just a very few, short lines explaining that I had taken a bit of a hiatus from this editorial in January and February due to my intensive travel and networking schedule during the corresponding period of time. I had also planned to mention my intention to continue in March the theme in Sprachspielen that I began back in November.


Sprachspielen: Hiatus

I have sometimes been told that I have a gift for stating the obvious. When I set about to share a bit in this month’s edition of Sprachspielen, I had decided simply to state something that was probably already obvious to you, but I thought I should state it anyway and also give a reason for the situation, even though the reason too might be obvious. As you probably could tell, I’ve taken a bit of a “hiatus” from the Sprachspielen editorials in January and February of this year.
