Millions of people across the Iberian Peninsula speak indigenous minority languages, stretching from Portugal in the west, across Spain, and into the southwestern regions of France. Both Catalan in the east and Galician in the west have speakers numbering in the millions individually with many other groups between them. The Basque language continues to puzzle linguists and historians who search for how it arrived in the western Pyrenees.

People groups who speak Ibero-Romance languages
Below are two of the eight people groups who speak a language from within our Ibero-Romance Language Affinity Group. Are you interested in one of the other six? Perhaps you’d be willing to help us complete the profiles for those people groups.

Basque speakers in France & Spain
Basque is a language isolate and its provenance is unknown. Linguæ Christi has partners and personnel who have recently planted a Basque-medium Evangelical church in a village in Gipuzkoa.

Catalan speakers in Spain, France & Italy
Catalan is an Ibero-Romance language spoken by over 10 million people. We’d like to partner with local Catalan faith communities to expand on the work that’s already taking place there and support new initiatives.
Short-term projects | Ibero-Romance Languages
Euskara Discovery Team

This team will assist our local team and explore the Basque Country in Spain to meet Basque speakers and perform initial research, media collection, prayer and missional conversations. Learn more.
4 June – 4 July 2022
Galego Discovery Team

This team will explore Galicia within Northern Spain to meet Galician speakers and perform initial research, media collection, prayer and missional conversations. Learn more.
4 June – 4 July 2022
Català Discovery Team 2

This team will explore the small nation of Andorra in the Pyrenees Mountains to meet Catalan speakers and perform initial research, media collection, prayer and missional conversations. Learn more.
4 June – 4 July 2022