(See English below)
En este video, John habla de nuestro equipo en el País Vasco y como puede ser parte del trabajo allí. Si le gustaría dar a Linguæ Christi para apoyar este ministerio, puede hacer un donativo en nuestra página web.
In this video John talks about our team in the Basque Country and how you can be a part of the work there. If you would like to give to Linguæ Christi to support this ministry, you can make a donation on our website.
How Linguæ Christi connected with workers in the Basque Country

A couple of years ago, while on a site visit to various indigenous language areas in Spain, through absolutely divine intervention, I met Daniel Scott. Serving in a local Spanish-speaking Church in the Basque Country, Daniel told me of his clear call and vision to reach Basque speakers through their heart language, Basque, which he had learned to fluency. He was working with a few other, Basque-speaking believers to form a ministry called “Kale Argia,” and they had collectively been praying about starting a new faith community (Church), which would be exclusively in Basque for Basque-speaking people, or the “Euskaldunak,” as they would call themselves in their language. I told Daniel that this was exactly our vision as Linguæ Christi. In God’s providence, he told me that he and another friend, Joxan, from Kale Argia were coming to the UK to try to raise awareness and support for the work, due to some friends and family connections here, but they really did not have a lot of other connections. I invited them to be my guests in my home and visit Wales, which they did. The rest, as they say, is history.
Since that time, Linguæ Christi and Kale Argia have grown in our partnership relationship and Daniel and his family,—Martu, his wife, and Iker, their young son—have become full-time missionaries with Linguæ Christi, serving in the Basque Country. They proceeded, as they had planned, and began their new Church plant in the Basque language. To our knowledge, this is the first, clearly Evangelical Christian expression of faith community in the Basque language. The Lord has blessed this work, and even during the recent pandemic quarantine in Spain, the Lord has blessed them with two baptisms, another first in the Basque language. The Lord is guiding and clearly in the work, and we are excited to see what He continues to do among the Euskaldunak.
The need our colleagues face

As with most seasons of blessing, our enemy seeks to harm and impede us through spiritual warfare. One of these spiritual attacks on Daniel and his family right now is simply in the area of finances. Because of his obedience to this call to reach and plant Churches among Basque speakers in their heart language, he lost all of the financial support from local Spanish-speaking Churches in Spain. To compound this loss of income, in Daniel’s native country, Argentina, which is a natural base for funding, due to severe political and economic issues over the past couple of years, it is next to impossible physically to send funds out of Argentina to them in Spain. The little bit that they are able to get out of the country and to Daniel is via credit card, where the Argentine government charges a fee of up to 30% of the value. That is also clearly not a sustainable option. This has left Daniel and his family with a severe deficit in personal missionary support. Some months they are actually not sure how they will pay the rent. Nevertheless, this family is determined to be faithful to the call and to continue in obedience to Him, trusting that God will move among His people to provide for this need.
Straight to the point, we simply need your help (1) to get this missionary family fully funded, and (2) to raise some ministry funds for the great work of Kale Argia in order to help them in their outreach. Whether as individuals or Churches/groups, giving toward this need is very easy to do, and for donors in the USA, documentation for tax purposes is available. The most helpful way of giving is through a long-term commitment to monthly support. Even if it’s 20 dollars/pounds/euro a month, spread out over several people and with regularity over time, this is such a help, although the more the monthly gift the quicker we reach the goal. Obviously, however, ANY and EVERY gift, one-time or repeated is needful and appreciated.
Ideas to share our need with others

I realise that there are some of you, who might be reading of this need and desire to help, but you simply do not have the financial resources to give personally. There are other ways you can help with this need, even if you aren’t in a position to give yourself. Here are just a few ideas:
- Share this need with your friends, family, small groups, Sunday School class, Church, etc.
- If you are on Facebook, would you consider using your birthday as a way to raise funds for them? Linguæ Christi is registered with Facebook for fundraisers. Even if you make a goal of 50 or 100, every little bit helps, and if lots of people do this, it will accumulate quickly.
- Do a creative approach, whether as an individual or as a group. For example, sponsor a “walkathon” or “danceathon” or “run” and get people to sponsor you and your friends.
- If you have children and teenagers, know any, or work/minister with them through your Church or Christian School, you could make this a class fundraising project. It is a great opportunity to help with a real need on the field as well as to educate children and teenagers about missions.
***If you need any media like images for the logos, Basque flag, photos of the Scott family, the Basque Country or other resources, contact us, and we’ll be happy to help provide those to you as we can.
Thank you for all that you can do to help Daniel, his family, and the Kale Argia ministry among Basque speakers in the Basque Country and through their heart language.
Learn more about Basque speakers

Basque is a language isolate and its provenance is unknown; for our purposes, we’ve grouped Basque with the Ibero-Romance languages. Communities of speakers reside in Euskal Herria, the Basque Country, which covers an area that includes… Read more.