It might go without saying, but this Christmas season has been very different. I’ve always loved Advent. The waiting, the longing, the contemplation, the angst… all things we enneagram 4’s thrive on. Last year, like Mary, I was waiting on our own little baby. The magic of pregnancy helped me see the incarnation in new ways—less “o holy night” and more “oh heartburn nausea.”
(more…)Pray for travel & transitions. And give thanks!
Today one of our team members is travelling to join us long-term here in Wales. We’re excited to welcome her, it’s a plan years in the making that’s now coming to fruition. Our feelings include excitement, thankfulness and expectancy. But it’s a hard road during the best of circumstances, and the pandemic still grips most of Europe
(more…)Close to home: Welsh speakers, allyship, and justice for the marginalised
Thanks to my father, I have, since childhood, held strong convictions for correcting injustice. Growing up on a tobacco farm in rural Virginia in the 1960s and 70s, my father was also raised with the understanding that all people, regardless of race or socioeconomic class, should be treated with respect. Much of this was counter to that of his fellow white peers, especially at the time of integration.
(more…)How an old Welsh lady became three Galilean women
This post comes from Amelia and Trey, who live in northwest Wales.
Say “Wales” to an outsider and some of the images conjured will include music, and perhaps even the tired if accurate account of hearing hymns sung at a rugby match. Hymns are important to both those who express faith in God and those who don’t. We’ve joined in the tradition ourselves, in both singing hymns as originally composed and arranging some to play with a guitar. We enjoy these songs and the deep truths expressed through soaring melodies and heart-wrenching harmonies.
(more…)Digital outreach in quarantined communities
The Covid-19 pandemic brought many ministries to a standstill. Overnight churches were closed, clubs were cancelled and small groups were suspended. Some Welsh-medium churches and believers were able to pivot quickly to digital content and meetings, and with time many more have done so. As we look back over the past few months, we can see how God has been at work.