Director’s Update — May 2021

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! – Христос воскресе! – Hristos a înviat! – Christ is Risen!!!

Greetings once again! As I mentioned to you last month, we’re continuing in the spirit of Resurrection, joining in the paschal greeting with our Christian brothers and sisters, using the Eastern Christian Calendar (Easter is on 2 May for them). But in truth, we probably should be celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus every day, shouldn’t we? I pray that the power of His resurrection is at work in you even now, as you read this newsletter. Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn more about what God is doing in and through us in the ministry of Linguæ Christi here in Europe.


Director’s Update — April 2021

Atgyfododd Crist!!! – Christ is Risen!!!

I hope that this month’s update finds you all well! For those of us using the calendar of the Western Christian tradition, we have enjoyed the wonderful celebration of the Lord Jesus’ glorious and triumphant resurrection this month. Our brothers and sisters of the Eastern Christian tradition get their turn to celebrate on 2 May. Accordingly, you might just receive the paschal greeting two months in a row.


Sprachspielen: 6fis – prayer

With this month’s instalment of Sprachspielen, I would like to introduce a “mini-series” of sorts, where I deal with six different concepts over the coming months, which have a clear connection to each other and are seen by us as all being parts of a whole. I am referring to what we call our “Six-Fold Incarnational Strategy,” (hereafter, “6fis”). I realise that this title is a mouthful and sounds quite lofty and cerebral at first hearing, but I can assure you that there is no “rocket science” here, but a simple guide that we use in our personal and local ministries here in our various areas. You will have undoubtedly heard us speak about the 6fis on numerous occasions, and you can find it mentioned on our website in various places. Because the 6fis is so foundational to our work, I will be dealing with these six elements of the 6fis over the next few instalments of Sprachspielen.


Director’s Update — February 2021

I cannot believe we are already into the second month of this new year. January passed very quickly for me. I have a feeling that all of 2021 might pass quickly as well. Because January was a bit quiet in many ways and was used as a time of evaluation, prayer and planning for us, this is probably going to be a slightly shorter newsletter than usual. I will address some of the larger issues that have come up in our times of prayer and discussion during January as well as looking forward to February and the rest of the year.


Sprachspielen: Incarnation

For December’s Sprachspielen, I’d like to deviate a bit from my normal pattern of the past few months, since starting this editorial series. Up to this time, I’ve tended to address terminology, vocabulary, or concepts, which are central to the missiology, vision, ethos, and practical outworking in missionary activity of Linguæ Christi. It has been my hope that in defining some of these key terms and concepts, it would give you, the reader, an ever clearer understanding of what exactly God has been calling and leading us to do, as our part in His plan for world missions.  


Director’s Update — December 2020

For many years, I have the habit of calling my 90-year-old mother in Tennessee every Sunday. It’s always a good time to catch up. However, during the Pandemic, when each week is strikingly similar to the one before it, we have often come to a point of silence, where we both say, “well, that’s all I’ve got as news, as it’s pretty much what I shared last week.” Writing for our blog in this Pandemic has been a challenge in terms of finding a lot new to say. Because everything is a bit harder and takes more time, much of our activity is continuing to work on things, until we bring them to a successful (hopefully) conclusion.  So, as we approach the end of 2020, we are happy that we have seen the conclusion of some of the projects we’ve been working on over these months, and ongoing progress with others. The following are a few points for this month’s update.  
