Surprised by Glory and Affection

This year has been filled with a lot of crazy. There have been a lot of tasks and things that I could not have planned. In Driving down the street, I was annoyed. I woke up late and I was rushing to be somewhere. I didn’t accomplish all the things I needed and wanted to do before leaving home. On top of all this, I was caught in road construction that was not moving.



This year has been filled with a lot of crazy. There have been a lot of tasks and things that I could not have planned. In the span of the last month, I have helped co-workers move, I have finished coordinating student projects for Linguae Christi (why I originally came to Wales), I went to London for a conference, and I have helped another colleague move. This has been a whirlwind to end the summer (not to mention dealing with personal and family stressors) and if I’m honest I’ve been slightly overwhelmed by all the changes and the transitions.


Translation: Virtual Student Projects with Linguæ Christi

white and black quote board

Nelson Mandela famously said, “if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” This sentiment is at the centre of our attempts to communicate with and cast vision among Evangelical Christians around the world for the calling that God has given us for European indigenous minority languages speakers. This need to communicate these truths clearly and deeply is highly strategic for our efforts to reach the hearts and minds of people.


God is at work in singing

Christmastime in Wales brings many traditions that we enjoy and music tops our list, as it does throughout the year. Two musical traditions that we dip in and out of each Christmas include the Welsh hymn tradition and plygain, traditionally a service where songs in three-part harmony are sung in the wee hours of Christmas morning. Here’s a good example of plygain below:
