In the December report, I mentioned that partnership development is an important aspect of our work. The “Tour” across America that I mentioned above is my way of personally being involved in that respect through networking (connecting and reconnecting) with existing and potential partners in ministry. As I mentioned in my personal report, this “Tour” has already started with my current trip to Florida.
(more…)Director’s Update — January 2022
I would like to begin this month’s blogposts by wishing you all a very Happy New Year! I hope and pray that your 2022 has gotten off to a good start. I realise that with the spike in Omicron cases as well as some pretty severe and unusual weather, we might be tempted to feel a bit down and defeated early on in this new year. But I pray that we will all keep our hope and confidence in Christ and do our best to face the challenges AND the opportunities that are ahead of us in 2022.
(more…)Director’s Update — December 2021
I have to admit that we’ve entered into what is surely one of my favourite times of the year. There is a definite chill in the air here in Middle Tennessee these past few days. The Christmas trees have gone up, as well as lights everywhere and green and red en masse. The radio is filled with music of the season. Christmas will soon be upon us. For someone who is known for being a bit stoic and not particularly demonstrative with my feelings, it surprises some people that I’m such a fan of the Christmas season. But it’s absolutely true; so, I feel very much in my element at the moment. I’m looking forward to spending Christmas itself with my family, though I have to say that I am also missing Christmas in Wales this year (no mince pies here in America sadly).
(more…)Director’s Update — November 2021
It is now approaching mid-November here in Middle Tennessee, and the autumnal colours are stunning. It is wonderful to see God’s creativity and handiwork in nature. It is a blessing for sure, and I hope that you’re all enjoying your Autumn, wherever you might be.