Many of you, who follow our newsletter and blog, are also on Facebook and connect with us through social media as well. For many years now, I have used my birthday as an occasion to promote a fundraiser on Facebook to benefit our ministry in a financial way. For those of you on Facebook, here is the link to that fundraiser.
(more…)Final appeal for 2021
For the past several months, we’ve been presenting some financial needs as an appeal to you, the reader. As we come to the end of this year, we know that many of you, particularly in the United States, are actually looking for charities to which you can donate, which might also assist you with your taxes. I would simply like to remind you that documentation for tax-deductible giving is available to you, if you would like to take advantage of these last 2-3 weeks of 2021 to make some last-minute donations.
(more…)How you can help our mission at the end of 2021
For this month, my appeal is really more of a reminder.
Last month, I shared a document that had a few, priority needs in our ministry for funding. I would just like to call your attention once again to the first two items on that list, namely the Basque project and also the Kent Burchyett Missions Scholarship Fund. We have rather urgent and substantial financial needs in these two areas. Please, prayerfully consider giving and/or passing along these needs to others. Again, here is the updated version of the PDF List.
(more…)Major financial needs for Linguæ Christi’s mission
I have been hinting for a few months now that we have some really strategic and even essential areas of need, when it comes to funding. The cold, hard fact of the matter is that sometimes the only difference between unreached people groups having access to the Gospel in their languages or not is dependent on just one thing in earthly terms: money. Because we operate on-field with more of a missional, organic model, there often are not that many financial needs related to the day-to-day work of evangelism and Church planting. However, the greater financial need is for those issues, which are “behind the scenes” so to speak, but are essential in enabling and developing the day-to-day work of mission on the field among these often remote language groups in Europe.
(more…)Kent Burchyett Missions Scholarship Fund
Last month we also received some very sad news. Our good friend and former mission colleague, Kent Burchyett, passed away from complications of COVID-19. Kent served with us in Wales for three years in the early 2000s. His love of the Welsh people and their language was well-known, and he never lost his ability to speak Welsh fluently. While serving in pastoral ministry in the USA, he continued to pursue his love and calling for world missions through his involvement in mission projects in Wales, China, Czech Republic, and other areas.
(more…)Two appeals for May 2021
Here are a couple of opportunities that I’d like to share once again as an appeal to you for your prayerful consideration. They include our search for a Social Media Coordinator to join our team and a future call to give for some specific projects.