This team will seek out local speakers of Ladin in order to build relationships and hold spiritual conversations. Ideal applicants will be personable and in good physical condition.
31 May – 1 July 2024

Project Description

This backpacking team will the area of northeastern Italy where Ladin is spoken. They will be staying in youth hostels, campgrounds, or other arrangements. While in these areas, this team will seek out speakers of Ladin in order to learn about the local culture and language, build relationships, and foster spiritual conversations. This is a very missional/relational approach, and not your typical, confrontational evangelism approach to sharing Christ with not-yet-believers.

This team requires students who are self-starters, able to take initiative, personable, and missional in thinking and approach. Also, excellent physical condition is required, due to the mountainous and difficult terrain for backpacking. This is a very independent project. Those who require a great deal of direct supervision or instruction should not consider this assignment.

Project Details

Affinity Celtic
Location Brittany
Focus_People_Group Brezhonegerien
Target_Language Brezhoneg (Breton)
Country France
Trade_Language French
Category Missional
Dates 31 May - 1 July 2024
#_of_people 4
Cost £2,570
Application_Deadline 1 March 2024