Greetings from Wales! My name is John Robinson, and I serve as the General Director for Linguæ Christi. We’re delighted that you are joining us in this format, and I hope and pray that the information herein will both inform and bless you, and more importantly bring glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I would be remiss if I did not begin with a word of thanks to you. I think I speak for everyone at Linguæ Christi, when I say “thank you” for your interest, support, and especially prayers for us and the calling that God has placed upon our lives to make the Good News of Jesus Christ a reality for speakers of European indigenous languages and in the way that most makes sense to them—through their heart languages.

Especially during this unprecedented time of the Coronavirus pandemic, we see that God has given exciting opportunities to serve Him in spite of the circumstances, and He has moved in power in ways that both exhilarate and humble us. You’ll read about just a few of these in this newsletter edition. We believe firmly that you are a part of God’s working in these situations through your prayers and other expressions of support. Accordingly and once again, thank you.
By way of a personal update, there’s so much that is and has been going on, since Linguæ Christi was established in 2016. It would be impossible to update you about it all in one segment here. For this reason, I’ll give you a bit of context and give more details in future instalments. Everyone with Linguæ Christi at the moment wears “multiple hats” and performs a number of tasks. In my role as General Director, I’m involved in:
- The administrative work of the organisation, especially the legal expectations as a recognised charitable organisation in Wales and England;
- Networking and developing partnerships with similar organisations and Churches;
- Recruiting new personnel;
- Vision-casting and opportunities with local believers through public speaking/preaching;
- Expanding our presence and strategy in other areas of Europe and;
- One of my favourite things—connecting with believers from these various minority language groups across Europe, as we pray and dream together about what is needed to bring the Gospel to their people in their heart language.

If you speak with leaders of pretty much any missionary organisation and ask what are their greatest needs, we would all say something pretty similar:
- Prayer
- People
- Resources
I would like to make a special appeal to you for prayer, regarding the second of these: people. We have great need of personnel at the moment. Of course, this means on-field personnel, serving among speakers of one of these European minority languages. The greatest strategic need for on-field personnel is long-term—people who are willing to come and invest their lives in a specific area, learning the language and culture of the people. We also have a need for on-field personnel in those stages leading up to a career assignment, such as those willing to come for a year or two, students looking to spend their summer holidays with us, and even strategic short-term teams of a week or so. In addition to the need for on-field personnel, we are looking for people, who would be willing and able to assist us with specialised areas of skill and expertise, right from their homes, wherever they may be.
We will be sharing with you over the coming weeks about ways to be actively involved both on-field and right from your own homes. But, it is important to start, continue and end with prayer always and in every circumstance. Thank you for joining us in this important prayer request.