Greetings to all! I do hope that this month’s blog finds you all well. It has been a bit of an eventful time for us both here in Wales and other areas, where we have ministry and partnerships, and I say “eventful” in the good sense of the word. We rejoice in new opportunities that the Lord is giving to us to build relationships and make Him known, as we continue to move out of lockdown and have more freedom to get out and about and interact with others. By and large, the weather continues to cooperate, and it is truly beautiful now that flowers and vegetation are in full leaf and bloom.
(more…)Linguæ Christi’s Virtual Student Missions for Summer 2021
We are all very excited to announce our Virtual Student Summer Missions programme for Summer 2021. There’s a lot of specific information available to you here on the website on the Short-Term Projects page. However, I’ll just give you a bit of background for this project. As most of you know, for many years we’ve had missions projects during the summer months for Christians, during their years of university studies, in order for them to participate in meeting various needs for our missionary work and ministry here on-field. We’ve been doing this a long time and we’ve had scores of people to come through these programmes, many of whom are now serving in missions or full-time ministry in local churches, even to this day!
(more…)Changes to Summer 2021 Projects
As you know, we have been cautiously planning to move forward with having on-field summer projects for students this year here in Wales as well as in several other European countries. I am sure that you have seen several communications from us over these past few months in these newsletters and also in our monthly prayer calendars, regarding our plans for the summer. In spite of the latest lockdown measures and even up to just a couple of weeks or so ago, we were still planning to move forward, again cautiously, with our summer plans.