This brief story comes from Tim, one of our team who works as a trainer for missionaries preparing to leave for their field of service. Tim often has the opportunity to share about the importance of the Gospel as shared in someone’s heart language, and how this shapes Linguæ Christi’s work in Europe.
As Covid-19 began to shut down our state we were already midway through a training course. One student was headed to Scotland but had not ever considered learning Gaelic until hearing my personal experience. He became so convinced that learning the local language was the right thing to do that he registered for our next course, Second Language Acquisition, and is now excited to arrive in Europe and apply all he learned in pre-field training. Please pray for this family as they wait for borders to reopen for travel later this year.

We’re grateful for Tim and the work of other trainers who help prepare people for cross-cultural service. Please continue to pray for this worker and for the importance of heart language ministry, especially among speakers of minority languages in Europe.