Greetings from Wales to each and every one of you! Thank you so very much for taking the time to learn more about what God is doing in and through us in ministry among speakers of indigenous minority languages here in Europe. Thank you so very much not only for your interest, but also your prayers, giving, encouragement and willingness to be informed and help us in various ways. Your partnership in the Gospel and faithfulness are a great encouragement to all of us.
Here are a few of the items that are of importance in terms of catching you up on our activities since last month.
Covid-19 update

In the context of the past year and a half, it wouldn’t be a monthly report if I didn’t talk a bit about the COVID situation here, and how it affects our work. There is actually a bit of good news on this front, though there is also room for caution and prayer. In general in the United Kingdom, there is an increasing sense of optimism regarding the future and possibilities of coming out on the other side of this pandemic. In spite of the fact that COVID cases are actually quite high in a number of places across the nations of the UK, the number of hospitalisations and deaths related to COVID are not at the same levels, but staying relatively low. This gives our various governments more confidence in proceeding with an increasing loosening of restrictions related to COVID-19. As these restrictions loosen, it provides us with more opportunities to connect with people and be involved in various Gospel initiatives. For example, though we still have restrictions about who and how many people we can host indoors in our homes, we can do a lot more outside in our gardens in terms of connecting with people. We pray that things will continue to progress in ways that allow us to do more. Also in my work, we’re praying that the travel situation will improve and allow me to make some of the trips that I ordinarily would be doing for the ministry through networking and developing partnerships with organisations and individuals across Europe.
New personnel

As I mentioned last month, Cameron Jones did join us last month, and he’s continuing to settle into his role and various activities here in the Dyffryn Nantlle area of North Wales. Please, be praying for him and the team as we seek new ways of working together to connect with not-yet-believers in our area.
Virtual student summer missions programme

Our VSSMP 2.0 started on 3 July and continues until 31 July. As I mentioned in last month’s update, we had to adjust our programme significantly due to a lower number of students than we anticipated. However, the students we do have are great, and we’re enjoying the project so far. Please, be praying for us as we lead and for the students as they learn long-distance via virtual means.