Finances are a necessary part of any missions endeavour. We’re looking for a team that can help us implement and follow best practices in accounting as we share the Gospel among indigenous minority language groups in Europe.
24 May – 28 July 2025

Project Description

The day-to-day work of discipleship often takes its toll on the attention we give the systems and services that are typically humming away in the background. And yet, how we handle finances and manage resources is of critical importance to our mission.

We’re looking for a team who can help us track the donations for and expenses of individual short-term teams. In addition to this focus, our programme consists of in-depth missiological training, spiritual formation, and language study. Each of these elements are designed to equip and encourage participants to join God’s mission to bring his Good News to the nations. For more information about our programme, please view our short-term project page.

Applicants for this team should have some prior training, gifts, skills, or practical experience in (1) accounting, (2) business, (3) entrepreneurship, (4) administration, or (5) investments.


To apply, contact us via the interest form on our short-term projects page.

Project Details

Affinity All
Location Wales
Focus_People_Group All
Target Language Cymraeg (Welsh)
Country United Kingdom
Trade Language English
Category Strategy
Dates 31 May — 28 July 2025
#_of_people 2 minimum, no maximum
Cost £2,725
Application_Deadline 1 March 2025